Friday, July 29, 2016



Stylish young men of the 1920′s

Marlon Brando in a 1950 photo by Philippe Halsmann

Alexander the Great

“Alexander the Great was born in July 356, in the royal palace in Pella, while his father Philip II was campaigning against the Greek cities in the Chalcidice peninsula. As is to be expected in the case of a man whose achievements were to be so impressive, stories of omens surrounding his birth later circulated widely. The temple of Artemis at Ephesus supposedly burned down on the day Alexander was born. It was also said that Philip received the news of Alexander’s birth on the same day that he also learned that his chariot had won the Olympic Games, and that his general Parmenion had defeated the Illyrians. On the basis of this coincidence, seers were said to have predicted that Alexander would be ‘invincible’ or ‘unconquered’ (the Greek word is aniketos).”

Rudolph Valentino

Women are not in love with me but with the picture of me on the screen. I am merely the canvas on which women paint their dreams - Rudolph Valentino









Pavel Tchelitchew

Pavel Tchelitchew (1898-1957) was a Russian-born surrealist painter, set designer and costume designer. Tchelitchew was born to an aristocratic family of landowners and was educated by private tutors. Tchelitchew expressed an early interest in ballet and art and proved talented, yet as many others of his time seemed to have been penalized by the blatedness of his senses and personal pursuits. Dimitri Bouchène (1893-1993) was another example, even though his longevity created him a path to a certain level of emancipation from which he built himself a more discreet artistic niche.





Navy Pin Stripe





Sofonisba Anguissola, Portrait of Alexandre Farnese, Duke of Parma”, 1561

Robert Montgomery in Night Flight (Clarence Brown, 1933)

Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) Musique du Chambre

Rakish Gent - Montgomery Clift in The Heiress (1949)

Peter O'Toole during the filming of Becket 1963

Modernisme oriel windows and balconies

Modernisme oriel windows and balconies seen on Passeig de Sant Joan in the Eixample district of Barcelona, Catalunya.

Model Frederik Larsen

Memphis, TN. 1939.

Marlon Brando, New York City, 1948, photo by Serge Balkin

Harry Shipler

Not content to be a portrait photographer, Harry Shipler developed into one of Utah's earliest news photographers. He supplied photographs to local newspapers, whose artists made line drawings for publication. At one time Harry supplied photographs to five Utah newspapers. One of his most talked about exploits was the documentation of Park City, Utah, a mining community thirty miles east of Salt Lake City, after it burned in 1898. When Harry learned of the fire, he attached his camera to his bicycle and eight hours later arrived in Park City--no small feat since it was all uphill on dirt roads--where he documented the destroyed town. His professional motto was: "I go anywhere to photograph anything."


HARLEM DAPPER 1930s    Photographer Zack Brown shooting dapper men in Harlem, 1937

Gerda Wegener ‘On the banks of the Loire’ (the artists’ colony at Beaugency)

George Bernard Shaw

Vintage Love

A truly heartwarming and intimate portrait of two affectionate men, by studio photographer Tobias Luck, active in Oshkosh, Wisconsin from 1888 to 1920.

1951 Bentley Mk VI Harold Radford Countryman Saloon