Sunday, August 21, 2022

Was John Wayne Bisexual?

Different Perspectives.

according to the source who outed him, John Wayne was “queer as a two-headed trout.” I first came across the news that Wayne was light in the spurs when I was staying at a kitschy old out-of-the-way hotel in the Valley called the Sportsmen’s Lodge. I got to chatting with a long-time hotel employee who began dishing dirt about some of the famous people he had come across during his long tenure there. His favorite, he said, was Bogie who used to tip him with a $50 bill and a Cuban cigar. His next anecdote threw me for a loop, however. “John Wayne used to come here all the time,” he recalled. “He was a pansy, you know.” In a million years, I would have never guessed that “He used to come by in the afternoon with men to go fishing in the pond and then they’d take a room and he’d say he was in ‘conference’ and that he shouldn’t be disturbed. We all knew what that meant and one of the chambermaids told us that she once caught him getting a blowjob from a guy. But unlike some of the other stars who came by with men, Wayne didn’t like them too young. His friends were usually in their twenties or even older, but none of them were famous, at least not the ones he would rent a room with.”

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